This section is for weight loss, detox and healthy products
KWU’s Fat Burners
KWU’s Fat Burning Cream
KWU’s GreenPower Formula
KWU’s Gut Buster Cleansing Juice (pick up from store option)
KWU’s GutBuster Cleansing Juice
KWU’s One day Detox (pick up only)
KWU’s Smash The Pounds Bundle
KWU’s Ultimate Weight Loss Combo
KWU’s Waist Snatcher Bag
Lajit Apothecary Organic Schizandra Berry
Lajit Himalayan Shilajit Liquid Drops
Lajit Himalayan Shilajit Resin
Lavender Lipo Cream
Lipo Max & Detox combo
Lipo Max (180 capsules)
Lipo Plus
Lipo Plus (2) packs
Lipo Troches (pick up only)
Liquid Chlorophyll
Liquid Lipo (garcinia Cambodia fat burning spray)
Mangosteen Powder 4oz
Massage A Trois
Mondia Whitei Powder